A few months back, right before the weather got unbearable, I posted 10 ways to beat the winter blues. Some of the things I’d tried and some I wanted to check out. Here’s an update:
Working out: The whole waking up early or working out when I got home thing just wasn’t working. So I decided to utilize my lunch hour three times a week at my work gym. Oh I struggled with making this decision. What if people I know see me working out? What if people I work with see me sweat? Like it was a big thing. Then I decided - I’d rather be embarrassed then gain anymore weight. I can’t begin to tell you how much this has helped me. I have so much more energy and I find that my general happiness scale is much higher on days I work out.
Clean eating: Ehh, this one hasn’t really gone according to plan…the carbs keep coming back to haunt me. However, on days when I drink a green smoothie or have a salad for dinner, I feel much better.
Not hibernating: FAIL on almost all fronts. I also blame The Blacklist.
Not going to bed early: Also a fail. Life is hard.
Buying cute coats: I should have mentioned this more the last time, but I’m realizing that it’s not always the cute coat I grab before I head out the door…it’s whichever coat is the warmest. Thus, need to find a super cute, down jacket with furry hood asap.
Take vitamins regularly: This is probably the second best thing I’ve done for myself…when I don’t forget. I really need to get myself one of those weekly pill contraptions but I’ve resisted considering how old I feel when I see one.
Get some sun: Umm sike. This weather has not been conductive to enjoying any amount of sunlight. When the weather is above 45, I may be seen outside taking outfit photos.
Take a vacation: This is coming a little later this year for me…but thankfully I am headed to sunny Florida on FRIDAY. Yes, that is t-minus two days and counting. GUYS just having this on my calendar gives me joy. And hope. Please take advantage of a long weekend and JUST GO.
Limit caffeine intake: This has gone really well, surprisingly. I’ve switched out my evening hot chocolate/latte for decaffeinated tea and it works wonders for my mood.
Focusing on a passion or learn something new: I sort of anticipated that I would get more involved in artsy things, I’ve developed an even deeper love for cooking…and tried a ton of new recipes. Like I want to be one of those moms where their kids are like, ‘oh ya my mom is literally the best cook ever.” #lifegoals The latest in my homemade cooking adventures has been homade granola. SO GOOD YOU GUYS. I basically went off of Barefoot Blonde’s recipe and added a cup or two of coconut shreds. Mmmm mmmm good.
So that's where I am...how have you been surviving this treacherous winter? Share with me in the comments below!

On Julien: Sweater, Ann Taylor (old.) Blouse, achro via Anthom. Jacket, Banana Republic (old.) Pants, Club Monoco (similar.) Purse, Rebecca Minkoff (other colors.) Shoes, Kate Spade (similar.) Sunnies, Michael Kors.