Every so often I like to escape. I like to leave the lights. Leave the stresses of everyday life. Don’t we all?
This weekend we are taking a night off from reality and heading to the Shenandoah Valley for some outdoorsy time. There’s just something about getting outside, breathing in the fresh air, watching the leaves change.
Not sure what the signal situation will be, but I’ll be posting about our stay all over the Instagram (you can follow me here!) whenever service allows.
But honestly, for the most part, I want to set my phone down and really be in the moment. This past year I’ve reflected, heavily, over the perils of ALWAYS being on my phone. Because aren’t the best moments and memories the ones where we’ve set our phones down? Where we’ve just lived in the here and now?
Of course, I’ll try my best to balance between capturing how incredible the trip will be and setting my phone down, because on the same token, I love capturing beautiful moments. Eh, we’ll see how it goes!