I'm going to just go ahead and admit defeat. Winter, you are KILLING my soul (also my vibe.) You've turned me into a grouchy, go-to-bed early monster with little to no self esteem. Ok, maybe I'm slightly over-exaggerating (not really), but I am literally counting the days (one month, two days) until spring arrives.
I really loved the little taste of spring we got a few weeks ago. Remember that one Sunday? Man I miss that day. While I was originally wearing this turtleneck over my lace dress, I tied it around my waist once it started warming up. I really love the slimming effect it has. And yes, I know cold weather is here for another two months, but I can't stop thinking about springtime picnics, starting our garden, enjoying brunch on our deck, and getting back into exercising outside...dear spring, COME SOON!

On Julien: Turtleneck tied, Ann Taylor. Dress, Yellow Button (old.) Boots, Luxury Rebel. Bracelets, Loren Hope via Rocksbox, J.Crew, and Love Juliet c/o. Purse, Mimi's the Look c/o.