After a crazy week at work last week (you know the story - sleep, work, eat, work, eat, work, sleep), I decided a little pampering was in order. Iâd always wanted to try out the Drybar in Georgetown (blowouts are all only $40 HELLO!) and it was Cheraleeâs last weekend in town, so we made a morning of it.
We made an early appointment so we could get a heard start on shopping. While we waited for shampoo stations to open up, we watched Mean Girls on the big TV and I decided I was never going to leave. EVER.
When it came time to get my hair done, I browsed the lookbook and waffled on two hairstyles (the Cosmo and the Mai Tai.) Luckily, my killer hairstylist informed me of the mix-drink, the Cosmo-Thai, so I could have the best of both worlds. Love her. I was amazed at how she styled my hair mostly with a round brush - I can barely comb through my hair in the morning let alone create perfect waves with a flick of the wrist. She finished off with the Sparkling Soda shine mist, which helped tame my famous flyaways. And the smell! Swoon. Am I the only one who will buy or not buy a product based on how yummy it smells?
Here's the thing - I could write and write about how gorgeous and welcoming Drybar is, and I could tell you how obsessed I was with the results...instead, let me show you...

A free hair service was provided by Drybar for the review, but as always, all opinions are my own.